What subsequent events may disqualify my Associated Bank loan application?

Your loan application may be disqualified even after you receive an initial offer if certain events occur, called subsequent disqualifying events. Prior to origination (typically, when your loan is funded), if your credit history indicates any of the events below have occurred, your application will be disqualified:

  • Your qualifying credit score drops significantly.

  • Your monthly debt obligations* listed on your TransUnion credit report(s) increase by more than the greater of (1) 3% of monthly income, or (2) $200, since the time of the credit report used to determine your current rate, and you did not previously disclose the existence of such debt obligations.

  • Any of the accounts on your credit report are currently in collections or 30 or more days delinquent. 

  • There is any inquiry or new account on your credit report since the time of the credit report used to determine your rate (not including any inquiries related to a student loan, vehicle loan or mortgage).

* Debt obligations are made up of installment accounts, mortgage / rent, and revolving credit. This calculation is separate from the debt-to-income calculation.

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